Friday, February 27, 2009

nutrition class: raw foods

Last night, I went to a nutrition class at my chiropractors office. I did learn a lot and I also felt so happy about how many things I do "right" w/ my kids. She was talking about getting the processed food out of the house and all the "nasties"(HFC, MSG, white food) Also how important raw veggies are(I agree and also will add that raw protein and raw fat is as important if not more important because it is more nutrient dense) and how they need to be a big part of our diet. You see, raw foods come w/ enzymes and other wonderful things that heat destroys. We are born w/ a limited supply of enzymes and the SAD(standard American Diet) includes mostly dead foods. We quickly use up our enzyme stores and then all sorts of digestive issues kick in. Every meal should include raw food or the whole meal should be raw. If you are eating a cooked meal, it is soooo important to eat or drink some sort of lacto-fermented food or drink w/ the meal. This helps to add in digestive enzymes, good bacteria, and good yeasts that are essential for digestion and overall health.
Some examples of raw lacto-fermented foods and drinks are:
*kombucha tea(homemade or store bought)my kids favorite!
*water kefir(I am brewing this for the first time right now--I will post about it)
*beet kvass
*dairy ferments(different types of yogurts, kefir, sour cream, buttermilk, cultured butter....)
*veggie ferment(cucumber pickles, sauerkraut, pickled carrots, pickled beets...)
Some examples of raw foods:
*raw red wine vinegar
*raw apple cider vinegar
*raw milk
*raw cream
*raw butter
*raw egg yolk
*raw seeds and nuts
*raw, fermented cod liver oil(as a supplement)
*raw extra virgin olive oil
*raw coconut oil
*raw cacao
*raw honey
*raw veggies and fruits especially tropical ones, they have the highest amount of enzymes
-avocados, kiwis, mangos, bananas, papayas....

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